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Monday, September 26, 2011

Hill Air Force Base!

This Summer we went to Hill Air Force Base and loved it! If you haven't been there, we highly suggest going. To see and read about all the history was so fascinating. The planes and Helicopters are gnormous!! and it's free!! Here is Matt standing by his favorite helicopter
Here is inside the helicopter, it was so big!
This was my favorite helicopter!
This was way cool, an atomic bomb (of course it isn't connected still to blow up anything)
This is a melted propeller from a plane that crashed from World War 2 that they found.
We loved the decorations and names they would put on the planes. Some planes even had how many missions it had been in.
This was the motion sickness chair.
This was my absolute favorite. Since they had no money during World War 2, the women made their wedding dresses out of old parachutes, because it had the nice fabric they needed.


  1. OO fun! I love that it was free too! I really want to go there now.

  2. Wow, I loved seeing the bomb and the crashed WWII plane. It makes it seem so real. You are the bomb for posting it, Em!

  3. This sounds fun! Now I want to do it!
