We got some awesome pictures on the plane...... look how cool!!! The Rocky Mountains!
We were SOOOOOOO Excited for this trip and had anticipated it for so long. Matt's Mission is the same ward Bethany and Mark (My sister and Brother in Law) Live in. Mark goes to Nova University and is in Dental School. So this was a very special trip for Matt. I LOVE Florida to! They were so nice to have us stay and Lucy their little girl is absolutely darling!! We feel so grateful to be related to them. Matt even said Bethany and I do the same manners as me and talk the same. Bethany and I are very close in age and I had tons of fun with her. Mark was so fun to be around and we love his humor. Thanks so much you guys for one of our favorite trips ever!
This is what Sugar Cane looks like. So Cool! We went to the Swap meet and bought some fresh fruit that was amazingly good!! We also saw some cool cars. This one was my favorite car. My Birthday is coming up Matt?!?!

Who is this dashing guy in a tuxedo??
He must be in our picture
Saturday Afternoon Lucy and Bethany had to go to a Doctor's Appt. so we walked around looked in shops and tried some Cuban food. It was fun! We spotted this pretty flower, they are everywhere down there.
We went to the Christmas Light Boat show downtown Fort Lauderdale. Bethany and Mark knew someone who owned a mansion right on the canal. It was SO nice! We got great seats, ate dinner and saw huge yachts lit up with Christmas lights.
This boat was so Tall!
Ya, I tried to put Lucy to sleep but as you can tell it was a struggle:). It looks like we are wrestling.
Mark is such a good photographer, he took the sunset pics coming up btw. But we caught him in the act!
Later that night we played a game and Bethany and I went to Kohl's to shop. Mark and Matt watched Rocky. It was so fun to have a little girls night.

So Clear and beautiful!
We were at one of the southernmost houses of the U.S.
This Driver was so funny. Matt and I were laughing so hard that I felt like the annoying people in the back of the movie theatre laughing so hard. We couldn't help it.
Trolley Tour!! They drove us to Key West, tell stories and give you a tour on the way.
Matt's Mom LOVES Nutcracker's so we wanted to show her.
This sponge was a perfect hat!
Huge Statues everywhere. I actually don't know why.
Old boat
Big Toy Factory
Roosters walk around everywhere, because back when they used to have cock fights. Now that they are against the law Roosters can roam around and so they won't be hurt.
Conch shells, we wanted to buy them but they were like $19.00. So We took a picture of them and that was our souvenir:)
Sponge Dude.....
Look how cool these trees are?? The roots grow from the ground. The roots could come up anywhere to.
Mel Fisher's Maritime Museum: To start of this experience let's go back to being a pirate and/or a passenger on a big ship..........
This is what your boat would've looked like.
Then.....Bam! Some ships never made it to their destination. So you would look like this. Maybe a storm came and the ship sunk or maybe Pirates came.........(yes this museum went over REAL Pirates) so creepy! And how they tortured their victims.

"WELCOME" We saw this wonderful rock before we went in.....:).
I was very exciting I LOVE History! You can see it in my face.

Behind us are 2 old Huge Boat anchors

I was in awe reading about the slaves. I got a little teary eyed reading what they went through. how they sat in a box for days at a time. Ate nothing, no sunshine...only air of diseases. They even talked about the children....that's when I couldn't read anymore...too horrific.
They displayed shipwrecked treasures and items from the 1600's still intact. Can you believe it? Mel Fisher found the ship. My favorite Ruby necklace.
Gold Crucifixes were very common for people to carry around.
Compass and sundial. MY FAVORITE!! You could still see all the numbers and detail.

another smaller anchor.
Gold plate, used for special people.
emerald ring.
Tons of coins. I just LOVE the mystery of gold, pirates, ships and the life they lead. SO FUN!
Harry S. Truman's Little White House! Pres. Clinton and other President's have stayed here.
Okay!!! So I LOVED the houses here and the set-up. It was just like a postcard.So pretty and Old plantation style homes and SO much history.
A cute little Lighthouse!
Hulk Hogan was even there!
The Above pictures are of the first Pan Am Airlines office!! It was tiny.
We made it to the edge of all of the U.S.!!! There is a Boee that you can take your picture by. We are also 90 miles from Cuba!! It was so fun to see the open water and there was a Christmas tree that was the southernmost Christmas tree as well:).

We went to the Sunset Celebration in Key West. They do it every night at sunset, to see the beautiful sun go down. They have people there to entertain and things to buy. The guy above put a sword down his throat.

Take a Look at the Sun going down!! Pic by Pic how cool to be at the edge of land and sea to see the whole sun, most beautiful sunset!

All Excited for Epcot!!!! (Actually I am the one that pushed to go here. I have ALWAYS wanted to know what was in Epcot and the giant gold ball since I was little). I am about to find out......
There was actually a ride inside the ball that was one of me favorites it talked about technology over time.
Cute Lucy always smiling and always at Matt too, it was cute.

Ou First ride of the day.....Living off the Land (Or something like that). You could see how they grow crazy plants and fruits, with Alligators, etc.
you could try different Coke products from different Countries. I liked Japan or Germany's the best......Actually I can't remember. Anywho it was fun to try!

Mexican singers, they were really good!

Mexico at night was really cool to see the buildings at night.
Can I just say these next pictures are my favorite! I absolutely LOVED Norway. The boat ride was just like Disney creative imagination such as trolls, the culture of Norway and a backwards ride past polar bears and into a stormy sea.
Here is Lucy not liking me so much in Norway:)
They had storytelling!

Mosiac before you enter the ride
The Bakers on the boat.
In Line.
There she is! She likes me for a minute!

Our Troll Friend.
China had statues like in China that are actually real! They resemble warriors that have died. Each face is just like the face of the warrior that died. This bottom picture is Chinese art on the ceiling.

Hollywood Studios!! The lights there were Bethany's favorite and I can see why. We loved it! They also flash lights to syncronize to Christmas music. Really Cool!

We thought it was cool they had a Nativity Scene, especially in a commercial park.

"Cars" Movie stunt show pretty awesome! The cars did different stunts like jumping over things, hydrolics, etc.

Toy Story Ride!!! Our favorite there. It's like you are in a carnival game. You shoot at 3d things and you get points. In line there were the cutest toys and to decorate like toy story.

These little army guys were everywhere, we are saluting to what a great ride this was.
Matt is almost officially in Hollywood Studios!!!
BAM! What a picture!

When we first walked to the park we saw this Chirstmas Tree that was huge....I love Christmas time here!
Love those teeth!! She is such a happy baby especially on the beach! This was our last day and we went to Hollywood beach. It was a very windy day, but still so fun. We collected seashells and enjoyed the water. When we got to Utah I made a glass cup that says "Florida 2011" on it and filled it with seashells. It turned out cute, I will have to show a picture.

Sisters! (Reminds me of the sisters song on White Christmas)
Some Romantic pictures....;)

See that little Palm tree in the background? It was so windy that day!