Last June, Before Matt and I headed to Nebraska Matt had always wanted to visit the Browning World Headquarters in Morgan, UT. Since He worked at Advantage Trading Post they were a dealer for Browning. Matt had talked to people from the headquarters on the phone but had never visited the headquarters and they kept inviting him to visit and take a tour, have lunch etc. We finally went after Matt working at Advantage for 6 years. They were so nice and wow the headquarters are amazing!! They gave us a personal tour. It's a huge hidden place in the mountains with a pool for the employees, a garden, lunchroom and gym. They gave us the catalog for that year, which is a huge catalog that people who hunt, fish,etc. anticipate to get in the mail! They gave Matt and I pocket knives which were so nice. They gave me a pink one! What a fun way to end Matt's job they had been so good to Matt! Matt's work also gave us a going away party and were so generous. What good people and fun to get to know!

We also got to house sit for Matt's parents while they were in Oregon. I came up from Bountiful after I taught in Salt Lake and weekends to spend time with Matt and the dogs. It was nice to get away especially from our small apartment. It was fun to have the dogs running in the bedroom when they heard me put my foot on the floor right when I woke up. It was also fun to have the dogs sit above Matt's head. I turned around and their tail was on Matt's forehead it looked like his hair. Ha Ha! We are sad that this was our fun, but really it was fun just hanging out!

I also got to spend a girls weekend with my sisters and Maylee came along also:). It was much needed, our last trip was in Florida a couple years before that. It was so fun definitely in my memory bank as very special. We met Katie and Bethany in Provo for dinner, stayed in a hotel and saw the parade of homes. Ang and I went a little earlier to go shopping which is always fun. Jenny announced she was pregnant with Jacob, and Bethany was all ready pregnant with Landon. We swam in the pool and hot tub, got ice cream and just did what girls do talk A LOT.
We went to lunch and them to the Provo area Parade of Homes. Such a girl thing to do:). We ate dinner at JDawgs Hot dogs and then kept looking at homes. Jenny was looking for a house in that area so it was extra fun knowing someone was actually going to live in that area. Here are some trendy ideas I saw....I posted them because in 10 years it will be fun to see how the trends have changed.
This was too fun Girls trip again soon!!