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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Memorial Day Cedar Breaks

 When we met in Cedar Breaks for our Memorial Day family trip, Caleb found a stick that looked like horns! Such a boy all the other girls were playing house over in another area:). We met for lunch by a small trail for a hike. It was close to Bryce Canyon and by my sister Bethany's house.
 Immediately after everyone got there, these too held hands and found a spot just for them, SO CUTE!

 The girls playing house Plus Tommy:)


 Perfect sticks for mustaches!

 Look how pretty!!

 It looks like a camel!
 We then went to dinner by Bryce Canyon and the food was really good! Tommy had a blow out so he had no clothes to wear. So he got to wear his sisters pink jacket!!! Here he is running and finding toys after. So Cute.
 The next day was Sunday,so some of us went to see the St. George Temple, Visitors Center, and the Brigham Young Farmhouse. Ang, Lucy and Bethany at the temple.

 Lucy at the farmhouse

 Brigham Young wife's nurses outfit and fan. She was so helpful being a nurse and helping Brigham Young with health problems.
 A chair made out of horse hair for Brigham Young

 In front of the farmhouse
 Other historic house
 Drive by the tabernacle apparently it closes on Sundays

 Visitors Center

We also went to a ghost town by Ivans? I am not sure but it was so cool!! I think it was a mining town.

Fishing at Fish Creek

 We went up passed Morgan up Ogden canyon to go fishing on a little resevoir. I wanted to use my new pink fishing pole! We caught two fish and it was beautiful weather. One of my favorite fishing trips for sure! We visited Matt's Grandma after and it was a perfect day.

 Here I am contemplating life....

Chalk Art Festival

 Every May in Bountiful, there is a Chalk Art Festival on Main Street. Since we live two streets away from Main street. We loved looking forward to walk and see these every year. They are amazing. I remember running into some neighbors and talking about Law School for hours while looking, it was fun seeing neighbors and friends out every time we went. We also lived next to the Bountiful Tabernacle which is beautiful and old. We also went to church there. Fun!