This year I decided to deck out and make Neighbor gifts. I found this idea on Studion 5 and thought it was cute! You decorate a pringles can and put a ribbon on the top so it could go around a doorknob if the neighbors aren't home. Little did I know it was a lot of work!!! Never again will I do this. The cookies wouldn't even fit in it after all and it was more time than I thought. They did turn out nice and I was proud of them though. We have wanted to get to know our neighbors and thought these were a nice touch to bring them something and visit with them.

We went a little overboard, but we needed a lot of stuff we never buy anything, so this included clothes and clothes:). Next year it won't include all just clothes and not to just buy what we need only at Christmas! My favorites were a Dharma Initiative shirt from the show Lost, a new watch and a date night package. Matt really liked a new hat, ties, tie rack. (next year I won't get a man just clothes though). Our new tradition included going to All-A Dollar split up and buy silly things for each other for our stockings. It was so Fun!!! We got each other, a book reading light, pedometer, yo-yo, magic tricks, bubbles, games and a gambling air freshener (the ball rolls around the spinnning wheel as you drive and stops when you turn off the car). We will keep this tradition and had such a fun Christmas and a fun first year.

Our First Christmas!!! It was sooo fun to start our own traditions, get a Christmas Tree, and just get in the Christmas Spirit!!