Sorry these were just a surprise I had to throw these in, Matt just got these one random day for me:) love that. Matt by our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. See that white box? One surprise we got was from my Dad. He was so excited and had us wait like a month to open it. We thought it was food storage which is what he usually gives us. We opened it and it was all old family DVD's he made for each family. It was very special to have and to watch. What a fun surprise! videos include me as a lead in the play "A Christmas Carol" in Third Grade I was the maid and I sang the solo "How could anybody be so stingy" It's so embarrassing! Also me as a mime in 3rd grade, no one has watched that yet thankfully.
taffy...yum We couldn't even see the Christmas tree before we opened all our gifts. oh there it is! This is after we opened gifts. My favorite gifts were non-store bought makeup (actually nice makeup), Simpsons Movie, All A dollar stocking stuffers, All the old Sega genesis games AND a date night from Matt.
Matt got a tie (I always give a tie at every Birthday and Christmas it's tradition), Massages, King of Queens Episodes, pedometer and other boring stuff:)
Yes I went to a BYU Game!! As some of you might know Matt is a huge BYU fan and I am a huge U fan. Since we have been married we have gotten to know how much of a rivalry it is. Matt really wanted me to go with him, and how much I love him, I went. I just wanted to spend time with him. So we went to Provo to a Football game this past Fall. Drove down in traffic and surrounded by BYU fans I went. The Game wasn't going so well.......Remember the Utah-BYU game back in September????? Well I started to hint and maybe complaining a little bit to go home after 3 hours.....I know I know it was mean. They just weren't playing as well, Matt was frustrated, there was going to be traffic, we were hungry, etc. So Matt agreed to leave. Well why we were driving home, the radio announced that BYU was winning. I felt sooooooooooooooo bad!! Matt was sad but didn't want to make me feel bad. So BYU ended up winning 27-24 (their rivalry Utah State). All I have to say is I will be going to more BYU games than I thought to make up for this game for Matt. I AM SO SORRY Matt!! I will never live this down. I still had fun?! Love you!