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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wilson Boy's Trip

The Wilson boy's have gone a couple of times to Cliff Lake in the past, but they never had seen this much snow before. They got a cabin and went fishing for a couple of days. Matt caught a couple of fish (pictures to come). Even though it snowed almost the entire time, Matt still had a blast.

Krissie got to go because it was her gradation gift for graduating High School.
The cabin

Austin and Matt
It was still snowing
And snowing.....
you can see the top of the fence to show how much it really did snow
You can see the layer of snow on the hill to show how much snow there was


  1. That looks beautiful!!! What a fun trip!

  2. Holy cow. It's weird to see that much snow in August! Makes me really enjoy the warm weather while it lasts!

  3. Oh, boy, Matt, you have a really, really, positive attitude getting THAT much snow in May. I remember once our fam went to Jackson Hole in June and it snowed just a little. I have never forgotten it, and I'm not talking warm memory. Glad you got to go, catch some fish, and have fun anyway!
