Oh ya! First, I have to tell the story of how we met!
A month before we met, I had graduated from the University of Utah and Matt was working in California installing security systems. I graduated with a Interpersonal Communications Degree and a Minor in Piano Performance. After I graduated, I couldn't find a job. Dating was just not working out either. I felt like something was missing......
Matt says that during this time it wasn't working out for him either. Dating was so-so and selling security systems didn't work out.
The week after Matt came back to Utah permanently he decided to go Country Dancing at Studio 600 with his friends (he lives in Odgen btw). I was invited to go dancing at Studio 600 with my girlfriends the same night and was actually not going to go, but decided to go last minute because I felt like I needed to (I have only been once before and wasn't huge into dancing, so it was weird I had that feeling).
During the night, Matt had gotten a lot of girl's numbers, but mine was the last one he got. The last song that they played Matt said he had to ask me to dance. We talked as we danced (actually I talked mostly just cuz I talk a lot). He was really nice and cute and I gave him my number (which I didn't know him he lived far and I usually don't give my number when I don't know someone well...but I just thought "why not"). Matt said he was so excited to call me that he didn't even call any of the other girls.
Our first date we went to play hide and go seek at The Gateway. It was really fun and it felt like we knew each other so well by the end of the night! A couple of things that I liked about Matt right away was that he was so nice to my family and genuinely interested. He also was very handsome. He laughed at ALL my jokes, which were really lame I have to say. Last of all, he treated me SO well. He opened my door, got me anything I needed and made sure I was always taken care of!
One thing that I have to say to those of you that are single is that we felt that is was very meant to be and in the right timing. Matt and I felt like we needed to grow before we met. I honestly didn't think I would get married or not for a while, but the experiences I went through led to my happiness. I was happy being single and happy being myself. This lead to my confidence and trust in the lord, which I believe led to meeting Matt.
Driving from Odgen to Salt Lake, Centerville or wherever to meet each other was hard for the time we dated, but it was worth it.
YAYAYAYAY so excited you have a blog!!!! Love all the posts!!
ReplyDeleteI love your description of your beginning! Dad and I are so happy for both of you and wish (as Dad would say) "Happy Trails to You" or in other words, may you enjoy the journey together forever!